How to Use Motivation to Achieve Your Goals


Motivation is super important when it comes to reaching your goals. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve your career, or save money, motivation is crucial in getting yourself started and maintaining momentum. It helps you stay focused on your goals, and it can help you build the stamina you need to reach them. Motivation techniques can take many different forms. Some of them are more subtle than others, but all of them are effective. Try these seven tips for using motivation to achieve your goals:


Set small goals.

If you’re setting significant goals, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are plenty of ways to make goals that are realistic, but setting small goals can help you get moving in the right direction. Aim to achieve something that you can see yourself doing for at least a month, and for which you have the necessary energy and motivation. These goals don’t have to be large, ambitious projects. Something more achievable, such as going to the grocery store or taking out the trash, will help you recognize when you’ve become status quo and are not moving forward. If you have a tough time setting goals, try setting smaller, more frequent goals that you can check off as you go. This will help you stay motivated and can help you identify what your true passions are so you can use them to full advantage.


Play games or use relaxation exercises

Games and activities that involve lots of action and competition can be a great way to get your motivation going. When you start playing a sport, for example, you’re doing something that requires you to use all of your energy. Not only will this exhaust you, but it will also help you become more informed and improve over time. Exercises that are simple and easy to do can also be a great way to get your motivation up. Try these 10 simple goals to get you started: 

- Get down on the floor and write your goals for a day on a piece of paper. 

- Take a deep breath and remind yourself of why you’re doing this in the first place. 

- Pick a goal that you’re motivated to do, and write it on your calendar. 

- Light a candle and focus on what you want to happen as a result of this goal. 

- Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re doing this for you and for your joy. 

- Create a visual reminder of why you’re doing this. 

- Set a timer and focus on your breathing while you do this for as long as you can. 

- Finally, talk to yourself while you prioritize your goals and write them on paper.


Tell a little bit of your motivation story

As you start to focus more on your goals, it’s important to remember to celebrate your successes as well. You can’t just look at each accomplishment as a measure of self-worth, but as a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. Traveling to a new country for the first time? Celebrate by having a party at the airport where you greet and thank everyone you meet. About to get married? Celebrate by sharing your special day with friends and family.


Take short breaks and exercise

Sometimes you need a break from all the hustle and bustle of life. Sometimes we all need a moment to ourselves, and exercise is a great way to give yourself this break. Exercising is similar to having a party, but instead of drinking alcohol and enjoying yourself, you’re training your body to be more efficient and effective. If you have a few minutes before you have to get back to work, try doing some push-ups, sit-ups, or ankle raises. If you have a limited amount of time, try stretching your arms above your head for a few seconds, or doing some yoga poses.


Create a to-do list and keep up with it

Do you ever feel like you never have enough time in the day? Like you never have enough to do? Try keeping a to-do list and planning out your day as best you can. Not only will this help you stay focused and on-task, but it will also help you stay accountable to your goals. What should your to-do list look like? Here’s a quick example: 

- Set a timer for 15 minutes and work on your writing project for 5 minutes. 

- Take a quick shower to remove any excess dirt and sweat. 

- Brush your teeth and pay attention to how long it takes you to get ready for the day. 

- Make a list of all the things you want to do today and jot them down on paper.

 - Set a timer for 30 minutes and work on these tasks for 5 minutes. 

- Eat a 5-minute meal and take a short break before moving on to the next item on your list. 

- Don’t forget to set another timer when you’re done with your first list to ensure you’re progressing at a reasonable pace. 

- Try creating a weekly schedule for your to-do lists to make it easier to stay on track.


Find your purpose and help others do the same

We’ve all heard the saying “ideas are worth $100,000 cash,” and it’s true. Ideas have the potential to change the world, and they can help save your life or that of a friend. Using your unique skills and creativity, you can come up with new and interesting ways to help others. Helping others can be as simple as speaking to a stranger on the street and giving them your card, or you can help out a friend in need by picking them up from the airport or helping them with a project. Whatever you do, don’t hold your breath waiting for recognition or applause from others. You don’t need to be the center of attention to be useful or meaningful.


